Content Warning


  • Greetings and Salutations my darling Moaners, and thank you for joining me as I chronicle Delilah’s journey as a lover to the gods and other mythological beings. That said, let this serve as a warning: The beings and situations you will encounter on this journey aren’t always pleasant, and can sometimes contain themes of violence, death, religion, substance abuse, misogyny, sexual assault, and other traumatizing situations that may be uncomfortable or triggering. Please, do not risk traumatizing (or even retraumatizing) yourself through exposure to these scenes. If you wish to read Delilah’s story, but want to avoid these themes, please visit our website here, to get a brief summary of the chapter(s) to avoid when reading.

    Also, if you’re easily offended by strangely shaped dongs, heteroeroticsm, homoeroticism, orgies with beings of various shapes, sizes, and animalistic design, and women with healthy sexual appetites who have multiple partners, then I suggest you return to the land of MC and billionaire bad boy erotica where it is much, much safer.

  • Greetings, my self-actualizing Moaners, and thank you so much for being self-aware enough to skip any chapters that can potentially harm or retraumatize.

    For Anointed by Anubis, please skip the end of Chapter 6, beginning with page 44 through the end of the chapter to avoid subjects of autoerotic asphyxiation. Please keep reading for a summary of what happens below.

    After Delilah wakes up to find a dog-like creature drawing Egyptian Hieroglyphs on her skin, he alerts her to the fact that he must kill her and take her to the underworld in order to fulfill her agreement to Hermes. He demands that she say his name in order to relieve her pain, and she realizes that this creature is Anubis, the Egyptian god of death. Once given permission to kill her, Anubis suggests making her death pleasurable, and she agrees. He brings her to orgasm right before her death.

    Please also skip Chapter 9, starting with page 69 through the end of the chapter. Please keep reading for a summary of what happens below.

    After Delilah washes up on the shore, she begins to wander, searching for the sound that compelled her to leap from the safety of Anubis’ boat. She encounters the Rosentow – tiny snakes with human-like legs – who, when touched, suck her into traumatic memories of the past.

    First is her abusive mother, who uses guilt and the trauma of a divorce to try and control her daughter. Delilah escapes when the Rosentow falls off her, but she cannot avoid stepping on a second one.

    This one locks her in a memory with her ex, Jason, who uses her sexual inexperience and interest in BDSM to sexually assault her. Delilah is locked in the memory until she hears Anubis speaking to her, and realizes she has the power to stop it. She finally calls out Jason, breaking free from his abuse. Anubis is waiting for her, and together, they flee to the boat.

    Hopefully that recap wasn’t too rough on you. That said, please enjoy the remaining few chapters of Anointed by Anubis, and thank you for taking a chance on our book.



  • Greetings and Salutations my darling Moaners, and thank you for joining me as I chronicle Delilah’s journey as a lover to the gods and other mythological beings. That said, let this serve as a warning: The beings and situations you will encounter on this journey aren’t always pleasant, and can sometimes contain themes of violence, death, religion, substance abuse, misogyny, sexual assault, and other traumatizing situations that may be uncomfortable or triggering. Please, do not risk traumatizing (or even retraumatizing) yourself through exposure to these scenes. If you wish to read Delilah’s story, but want to avoid these themes, please visit our website here, to get a brief summary of the chapter(s) to avoid when reading.

    Also, if you’re easily offended by strangely shaped dongs, heteroeroticsm, homoeroticism, orgies with beings of various shapes, sizes, and animalistic design, and women with healthy sexual appetites who have multiple partners, then I suggest you return to the land of MC and billionaire bad boy erotica where it is much, much safer.

    In Buzzed on Bacchus, there are scenes featuring substance abuse, specifically alcohol consumption, to the point of blacking out, which can be symptomatic of alcohol poisoning. If this is something you have a traumatic relationship with, then we recommend skipping the end of Chapter Five, Chapter Six, and the last four pages of Chapter Twelve.

    Also, if you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol abuse, please contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Adminstration at 1-800-662-4357, or at, to find local counseling, and remember to treat them (or even yourself) with the compassion and understanding they deserve, as substance abuse IS a mental health issue.

    At the end of Chapter Five, Delilah is pressured to drink some of Bacchus’ wine under the threat of violence from his three Maenads. The wine is sweet and potent, and Delilah finds herself quickly intoxicated, to the point where she mouths off at the Maenads for being rude. Alyxs, the octopus-woman, seems to take Delilah’s comments personally, and starts to attack, when the spotlight shines on them both, and Bacchus is beckoning Delilah forward.

    In Chapter Six, Bacchus explains Delilah’s punishment for breaking a cardinal rule in Nimble: Orgasms must be shared with a friend. As he shares how she will be co-starring in a play called Temptress Punished with not only him, but a third participant, Delilah drinks to calm her raging insecurities, to the point where she weaves back and forth and slurs her words, to the point where she’s disrupting the show. Alyxs rudely suggests putting her into the shower to get rid of the dog smell, but Bacchus does it anyway, telling her it will give him time to pick the third and sober her up.

    In the last four pages of Chapter Twelve, Delilah wonders when this will end, exhausted from multiple orgasms the alcohol coursing through her blood. She starts to fade, only to be woken up by Bacchani eating her out. She tries to get him to stop, body too sensitive from Luci’s ministrations, but he ignores her. In retaliation, she sucks at the folds of flesh poking through the cock cage Alyxs put on him earlier. The pain is intense enough that he stops, but a strange taste explodes in Delilah’s mouth, the tart slightly sour flavor reminiscent of the wine, and she realizes it’s a more potent version of it, being produced by his dick. The strength hits her like a ton of bricks and the night fades to a blur after that, a whirlwind of sexual acts being performed on the other until she finally passes out.

  • This book contains discussions and scenes including medical dilation and intercourse with overly large erections. If any of these things might be offensive or traumatizing, please click here to read what areas to avoid, as well as summaries of what happens.

    In the middle of Chapter Nine, Delilah is dilated by Christos using a large glass dilator. He is hidden behind a sheet, which makes the situation even more erotic to Delilah. As she orgasms, he uses her contractions to work the dilator deeper, trying to open up her cervix and cursing some mild cramping. She passes out waiting for him to insert the second largest dilator, then wakes in a panic when she realizes she’s slept in and keeps Alessandro and Nicky waiting.

    Halfway through Chapter Eleven, Delilah undergoes the second dilation treatment. Christos warms her up with the first glass one, then moves on to the jade one, which is several inches larger in both length and girth. He warns her not to move with it, as its prorated surface could cause lesions on her vaginal walls. She struggles to remains still, both the length and girl causing extreme comfort and ecstasy that her body can’t control, forcing another orgasm. Once again, Christos uses the muscular contractions to open her cervix wider, allowing entry to her womb. Delilah passes out from the pleasure/pain this causes.

    In Chapter Fifteen, Delilah engages in intercourse with Christos to see if perhaps his kind can undergo the treatment too, and finds him hung like a literal horse; even larger than the second dilator. She has problems even taking him inside at first, but finally manages to relax enough to allow entry. As soon as she does, he goes deep, pushing past her battered cervix and into her womb. The experience is painful, but somehow she still manages to orgasm, which triggers his.

    In Chapter Eighteen, Delilah has to convince Nicky that his erection is because he was scared for her, not the right of first mount. He eventually believes her, and when he does, she finds his member is the largest of them all. Climbing under him, she helps position his rod against her entrance, womb still aching from Christos. It takes a few attempts, but finally Nicky fits inside. Once there, he is unstoppable, driving as deep as he can as hard as he can, completely governed by instinct. The copulation is brief, but Delilah does get off before they both pass out on the forest floor. You will need to read the last page/page and a half to learn the conclusion.