You’d think that after waking up naked in the bathroom of Bacchus’s nightclub after her encounter with Anubis would be familiar territory for Delilah at this point, but between the massive hangover, a recent murder attempt from the god of wine, and the three bickering brothers who saved her, she’s had enough. All she wants to do is go home, order take-out, and play on her cell phone until her eyes glaze over. Hell, if she wasn’t obligated by the rules to hear what they want from her, then she’d already be safe and sound in her bed. 

However, once they do reveal why she’s there, Delilah is caught between a rock and a hard place, torn between choosing creature comforts over their very real and dire needs. Challenged in ways she never expected, she must hold it together long enough to help the brothers accomplish something they’ve been dreaming of for hundreds of years or find out if she has finally hit her first limits as a Lover of Mythic Proportions.